Predictions on Norwegian Politics

The prediction of Bondevik succeeding Jagland as Prime Minister was first made public on J r-Radioen Oct.23.1996, only two days after Gro Harlem Brundtland announced her retirement from Office. The prediction was repeated on Radio Hele Norge P4 on Oct.25.1996.These statements were then published in Norsk Ukeblad in No.7 in Feb.97. Leading national newspaper Verdens Gang gave the story Page 3 coverage on Feb 21.1997.


Norsk Ukeblad No.7, Feb.1997                                                                  

At the time Bondevik's party, the Christian Democrats (KrF), held a mere 6,5% of votes at the national Storting. Bondevik was according to himself on his way out of top politics, and it was not until 3 months later - in Feb97 - that his candidature as prime minister was recognized by Liberal leader (V), Lars Sponheim. In Oct.97 Bondevik formed a coalition government consisting of 3 parties and the smallest Parliamentary basis in Norwegian history.

The occasion for judgment on this matter was Gro Harlem Brundtland stepping down as Prime Minister and passing the office to Torbj rn Jagland, as announced on Oct.21.1996. This had been a long term stake on my behalf, as I had long withheld that Norway would vote against joining the EU on their National Election of Nov.28.1994 and Brundtland would not complete her period as Norwegian Prime Minister. Brundtland has natal Sun in the last degree of Aries, and even though she first came to office as early as 1981 she never completed an entire 4 year period. Although I held a long term position on this matter, the prediction is found on record on Holmgang, a live debate program on TV2, May 10.1994. Brundtland's period was due to terminate in Sep.97. Prior to the September election Jagland made an ultimatum of a 36,9% votes to hold office. This did not occur, so Jagland left to the advantage of Bondevik who formed his first coalition Government in the end of Oct.1997.

During the radio interviews of 23.Oct.96 and 25.Oct.96 the question regarding Brundtlands future career did come to surface. My statement on this matter was that she would rise to a position of new prominence in the month of June 1998. This is when she commenced as General Secretary to the World Health Organization!

Verdens Gang Feb.23.1997

I have not yet had this newspaper clipping translated into English, however, the context is as explained above. VG made use of a10 year old archive photo, and then, as the popular press is renown for, words were added and played about with concerning predictions regarding the British and Norwegian Royal Families.

Oct. 29. 1997: Letter from the Prime Ministers Office

Bondevik's candidature as future Prime Minister spotted in 1989!!

Rogalands Avis Aug.25.1989




March 4. 2000: The Fall and Return of Bondevik predicted for "Nationen"
